Central Michigan University, Department of Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences
The Central Michigan University’s Department of Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences (STAD) was officially launched in fall 2019. The department offers PhD in Statistics and Analytics, MS in Applied Statistics and Analytics, graduate certificate programs in Data Mining and in Actuarial Science, BS in Actuarial Science, BS in Statistics, and a BS in Data Science starting in fall 2022.The STAD department has eight tenured faculty with active research in distributions, modeling, Bayesian analysis, actuarial and risk analysis, data analytics and statistics education. The department currently has about 40 students in the graduate programs and 80 undergraduates. The Department manages a Statistical Consulting Center and provides a dynamic environment for teaching, research and collaborations across disciplines. Inclusiveness and diversity are academic imperatives are university goals. More information about the department can be found on the department web site at https://www.cmich.edu/colleges/se/STAD/Pages/default.aspx.......currently no jobs posted, please contact for any inquiries......