Ningbo University, School of Mathematics and Statistics

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The School of Mathematics and Statistics of Ningbo University invites applications for tenured positions in all areas of mathematics. A successful candidate must hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics or Statistics, and demonstrate outstanding accomplishments in both research and teaching. Salaries and benefits are competitive. In addition, the University provides various housing subsistence depending on rank and qualifications. About School of Mathematics and Statistics: Application Materials Required: • Cover letter • Curriculum Vitae • Research statement • Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers at this site Further Info: Ms Zhang, Zelin +86-574-87600795 Room 9-202, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Ningbo University No. 818, Fenghua Road Ningbo, Zhejiang, China 315211

  1. [FACULTY1] Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty

(1 position listed)