Oregon State University, Mathematics
Position ID:
OregonStMath-ACTUARIALPP [#24131]
Position Title:
Position Type:
Non tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-4605, United States of America
Subject Area:
Actuarial Science
Appl Deadline:
2024/03/31 11:59PM
finished (2024/01/15, finished 2024/10/05, listed until 2024/06/29)

Position Description:
*** this position has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
Position Description
The Department of Mathematics at Oregon State University invites applications for a fixed-term Assistant Professor of Practice in Actuarial Science position with the start date September 16, 2024. This is a promotable non-tenure track position, renewed yearly pending satisfactory completion of assigned duties. The duties include teaching 4.5 quarter courses in mathematics per academic year at the undergraduate or graduate level, mentoring and advising undergraduate and graduate students, developing and maintaining external contacts with the insurance and financial industries and with the leading actuarial professional societies, and developing a research program in Actuarial Mathematics. The qualified candidates are expected to have a PhD in Mathematics or related fields by June 15, 2024. Demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity is also expected. By the second year since employment, the successful candidates will be expected to hold the associate level in the Society of Actuaries, Casualty Actuarial Society, or an equivalent international actuarial professional society. The primary mission of the OSU Mathematics Department is to provide education to undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics and to conduct research and scholarly activities in pure and applied areas of mathematics and mathematics education. The department offers PhD, MS, and BS degrees in Mathematics and has a growing student body of about 70 graduate students and more than 250 undergraduate majors. It also offers Actuarial Science Minor. The College of Science provides a core instructional role at OSU, supporting the ideals of learning, discovery, and engagement that are the foundation of a land-grant university. The College embraces instruction and research, in disciplines ranging from the mathematical and physical sciences to the life sciences that are based in unbiased inquiry and a dedication to discovery and innovation. OSU has an institution-wide commitment to diversity, inclusive excellence, and community. We actively engage in recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce and student body that includes members of historically underrepresented groups. We strive to build and sustain a welcoming and supportive campus environment. OSU provides leadership opportunities for people interested in promoting and enhancing diversity, nurturing creativity and building community. All employees are responsible for helping to maintain and enhance OSU’s collaborative and inclusive community that strives for equity and equal opportunity. The College of Science is deeply committed to upholding the values of anti-racism, diversity, justice and equity — cornerstones of institutional and scientific excellence. Through our rich collection of people, ideas and perspectives, we engage in a healthy, constructive dialogue to learn, inform our research and make discoveries. Our Diversity Action Plan (https://science.oregonstate.edu/diversity-plan) informs our work to ensure all have equitable access to succeed in science, work to dismantle systems of oppression, embed equity in everything we do and create a climate of trust, understanding and inclusion. See https://math.oregonstate.edu for more information about the Department of Mathematics at OSU. See https://science.oregonstate.edu/academics/minors/actuarial-science for information about OSU Actuarial Science Minor. Instructions to the applicants: Note that in order to be considered for the position, you are required to also submit your application on the Oregon State University Jobs Website: https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/147759 Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application. 1) Cover Letter (3-page limit): Summarize your qualifications and interest in the position. You could include in this cover letter your Commitment for Free Inquiry described in more detail in 7) 2) AMS Cover Sheet (it is automatically completed when submitting through MathJobs). 3) Curriculum Vitae: Please list your education, relevant appointments, research publications, teaching experience, insurance or financial industries affiliation, involvement with the leading actuarial professional societies, funding, and other activities relevant to the position. 4) Statement of Research (5-page limit): Describe your research interests and main results; discuss these results in the context of actuarial mathematics. 5) Statement of Teaching (3-page limit): Describe your teaching philosophy and approaches and how these relate to your own teaching experience; discuss possible ideas of contributing to OSU’s teaching mission at undergraduate and graduate levels. 6) Diversity Statement (3-page limit): In this statement, describe your demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion which can be related to professional work, volunteer work or in one’s personal life. The College of Science values your experience working with or supporting individuals with marginalized identities of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, status and others. 7) Commitment to Evidence-Based Free Inquiry and Tolerance to Diverse Ideas (1 page limit or to be included in cover letter): Describe your philosophy to open-mindedness for diverse ideas within the academy including those different from one’s own and a commitment to free inquiry based on evidence and criticism. OSU references and context can be found in OSU’s self-study for accreditation, particularly p.79-83: https://accreditation.oregonstate.edu/sites/accreditation.oregonstate.edu/files/2019_year_seven_self-evaluation_report_with_appendices.pdf 8) Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers at MathJobs). At least one letter should directly address your teaching abilities. 9) Electronic access to up to three publications which are most representative of your research related to actuarial mathematics. Further Info: https://math.oregonstate.edu/ Deanne MurrayApplication Materials Required:
- Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Teaching statement
- Statement on Commitment to Evidence-based Free Inquiry and Tolerance to Diverse Ideas
- Diversity Statement
- Four reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
- And anything else requested in the position description.
Further Info: