Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Mathematical Sciences

WPI is a private and highly selective technological university with an enrollment of over 5000 undergraduates and over 1900 full- and part-time graduate students. The Mathematical Sciences Department has 40 faculty and postdocs and supports BS, MS, and PhD programs in applied and industrial mathematics and applied statistics (see http://www.wpi.edu/+math ).

  1. [APPLIEDMATHAP] Applied Math, Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences (Applied Math)
  2. [ARP1] Applied Mathematics focused on waves in fluids, Assistant Research Professor in Applied Mathematics (2025/04/12 11:59PM)
  3. [ASSISTANTPROFESSOROFTEACHING] Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Teaching in Mathematical Sciences
  4. [DISCRETEMATHAP] Discrete Math, Assistant Professor of Mathematical Science (Discrete Math)
  5. [POSTDOCTORALSCHOLAR] Mathematical Sciences & Statistics, Post-Doctoral Scholar of Mathematical Sciences

(5 positions listed)