University of Bath

818 20915
Position ID:
818-STATS [#20915, CC9728]
Position Title:
Lecturer (Assistant Professor)/Senior Lecturer or Reader (Associate Professor) in Statistics and Data Science
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Bath, BA Bath BA2 7AY, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Subject Area:
Appl Deadline:
2022/10/16 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2022/10/03, finished 2023/04/22, listed until 2023/04/03)
Position Description:

*** this position has been closed. ***

Position Description

The Department of Mathematical Sciences seek to appoint candidates to the following positions, with at least one position in statistics related to health and medicine:

* Reader or Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Statistics * Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Statistics

About you:

In enhancing our strength in Statistics and related fields, we are seeking ambitious people who will build on existing departmental strengths or expand our research into new areas of statistics and data science. In particular we welcome applications with research interests in health and medicine who will contribute to our research strength and development of post-graduate training in this area.

A successful applicant for Lecturer (Assistant Professor) will have shown exceptional potential for achieving independent research of international standing. At the Senior Lecturer level (Associate Professor) you will have a track record of research of international standing and a track record in teaching. At Reader level (Associate Professor) you will have an established track record of independent research of international standing including gaining substantial funding for your research.

You should also have a strong interest in pursuing excellence in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervising graduate students, as well as being fully integrated into the range of research-focused activities within the statistics research group.

About us:

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath is a leading UK department in both research and teaching, with a large, diverse, and vibrant academic staff, and a culture of inter- and intra-disciplinary collaboration and knowledge transfer with industry. We host the successful EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics (SAMBa) which bolsters the department’s recruitment of talented doctoral students. In addition, the Bath Institute for Mathematical Innovation helps businesses solve complex mathematical and statistical problems, and promotes cross-campus research activities and international collaborations.

Bath is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and provides for a high quality of life, together with proximity to Bristol and excellent transport connections with London.

Further information:

The first stage of shortlisting will be carried out anonymously, so it is essential that candidates complete the anonymous questions on the online application form. After the initial anonymous stage, further materials will be seen by the shortlisting committee, and for this the applicants should upload:

* a full Curriculum Vitae, * a statement of research interests of up to three pages explaining how their work would complement and strengthen existing activity at Bath, * a one-page summary of teaching experience, including a statement of which courses in our existing undergraduate programme they would be able to teach, and * the names and contact details for at least three referees.

Any additional materials, including any additional pages in the documents above, will not be used.

Applications from all groups currently under-represented in academic posts are particularly encouraged. We are working to improve the present gender balance within the Department, and particularly welcome applications from women. Both the Department and the University are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive working environment. Flexible working options will be considered wherever possible. For more information visit

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Chris Jennison (, Dr Theresa Smith ( or Professor Gunnar Traustason (

We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please apply at external link.
Contact: HR, 01225383105
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
University of Bath
Claverton Down
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