University of Calgary, Mathematics & Statistics

1188 22423Position ID: 1188-LIT [#22423]
Position Title: Limited Term Instructor
Position Type: Teaching stream faculty
Position Location: Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada
Subject Area: Mathematics or Statistics
Application Deadline: 2023/06/01 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2023/05/01, finished 2023/12/02, listed until 2023/08/23)
Position Description:    

*** this position has been closed. ***

The University of Calgary invites applications for two limited term Assistant Professor (Teaching) positions in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics

These two positions are due to start on or after 1st July, 2023, for a two-year term. Duties include undergraduate teaching in Mathematics and/or Statistics. The ideal candidate will hold a PhD or MSc or equivalent in Mathematics, Statistics, or in a closely-related area, and have a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching at the post secondary level and familiarity with a range of teaching and learning pedagogies. The successful candidate will have opportunities for professional development through the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, and will become part of a vibrant and supportive team of instructors in Mathematics and Statistics. How to Apply

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit an application online via the 'Apply Now' link on the UCalgary Careers page:

Applications must include the following:

• a cover letter containing a description of why this position is of interest to the candidate, and a clear statement of their Canadian Citizenship/Residency status • a curriculum vitae • a teaching portfolio, including a statement of teaching philosophy • a statement describing the candidate’s contributions, or potential contributions to, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) along with their ability to work with a culturally diverse and international student, staff, and faculty body (up to 1 page) • names and contact information for three references.

It is recommended that these documents be merged into a single PDF file before uploading.

Questions may be addressed to the Search Committee by emailing, or by writing to

Dr. Antony Ware, Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Email: University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive Calgary, AB T2N 1N4

We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please see the job description above on how to apply.
Contact: Antony Ware
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
MS 476, 2500 University Dr. NW
Calgary, AB
T2N 1N4
Web Page: