National Tsing Hua University of Taiwan, Mathematics
Position ID:
Position Title:
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Hsinchu, T'ai-wan 30043, Taiwan
Subject Area:
All area of research
Appl Deadline:
2024/03/09 11:59PM
finished (2023/09/08, finished 2024/09/14, listed until 2024/03/09)

Position Description:
*** this position has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
Position Description
The Department of Mathematics at National Tsing Hua University of Taiwan invites applications for all levels of faculty positions in pure and applied mathematics. Review of applications will begin immediately. Applications received by December 10, 2023 are given full consideration for the last round selection, but all applications are considered until positions are filled. Please upload signed cover letter, CV, research statement, copies of publications, and three letters of recommendation through Mathjobs. For more information, please visit our webpage: Cost of living in Taiwan is rather low: The medical level is high and its cost is affordable: For candidates who cannot speak Mandarin, it is not a problem to live in Taiwan speaking English. A teaching load is up to 3 courses per year. For candidates with family, please note the public education has features of high quality and low tuition.Application Materials Required:
- Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Publication list
- Copy of publications
- Reference letter (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
- And anything else requested in the position description.
Further Info:
Department of Mathematics
101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road,
Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.
101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road,
Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.