Heidelberg University, Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences (HGS MathComp)

Position ID:
HGSMathComp-PHD [#24081]
Position Title:
Several Interdisciplinary PhD Positions (f/m/d) at Heidelberg University
Position Type:
Fellowship or award
Position Location:
Heidelberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg 69120, Germany
Subject Areas:
Mathematics, Computer Science, Life Sciences
Starting Date:
Appl Deadline:
2024/01/16 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2023/12/15, finished 2024/04/17)
Position Description:

*** this position has been closed. ***

Position Description

The Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences (HGS MathComp) at Heidelberg University is one of the leading graduate schools in Germany focusing on the complex topic of Scientific Computing. Located in a vibrant research environment, the school offers a structured interdisciplinary education for PhD students. HGS MathComp has 5 open PhD positions in the general research areas of Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Life Sciences.

Scope and duration of the PhD positions:
Please note additional or deviating information in the project listings below)

Your tasks include:
  • Successful completion of your dissertation.
  • Involvement in high-quality research, with the aim of publication in international journals and at international conferences.
  • Involvement in the organization of academic events, such as talks, workshops/conferences, and summer schools.
  • Teaching and supervision of Bachelor’s and Master’s students.
  • Participation in HGS MathComp training and networking activities.


How to apply: see bottom of page!

PhD positions are available for the following PhD project topics and areas:

Data Science & Machine learning in the Life Sciences


Machine Learning and Astrophysics, Modelling dynamical systems with deep Operator Learning and NeuralODEs


Traction force microscopy for biological cells in three dimensions


Machine-learning approaches for modelling tumor cell plasticity and therapy resistance in brain tumors

Deep learning-based spectral image analysis enabled by synthetic data


Required documents (in ONE PDF file):

All documents must be uploaded as one PDF via our application portal.

Deadline for applications: January 15, 2024

There will be interviews between the group leaders and potential candidates to discuss the specifics of the respective positions.

If you have any technical questions, please contact hgs@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de. Please note that applications will only be accepted via the application portal, not via email.

Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and diversity. Qualified female candidates are especially invited to apply. Persons with severe disabilities will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Information on job advertisements and the collection of personal data is available at www.uni-heidelberg.de/en/job-market.

We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please apply at https://forms.office.com/e/xhDPAWwDif external link.
Contact: HGS MathComp
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
HGS MathComp
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
Room 5/214
69120 Heidelberg
Web Page: https://adb.zuv.uni-heidelberg.de/info/INFO_FDB$.startup?MODUL=LS&M1=1&M2=0&M3=0&PRO=34205