Universidad de Concepción

Position ID: 971-APM [#24171]
Position Title: Assistant Professor in Mathematics
Position Type: Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location: Concepcion, Bio-Bio, Chile
Subject Areas: Preferred: Algebra and Geometry, Logic and Number Theory
Application Deadline: 2024/03/31 11:59PMhelp popup (posted 2024/01/10)
Position Description:    

*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed. ***

The Department of Mathematics is offering a permanent assistant professor position, with a commencement date of September 1st, 2024. Responsibilities encompass conducting research in Mathematics, teaching courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and undertaking administrative duties in favor of academic growth of the department. The candidate is expected to have a good publication record (at least 3 publications WOS, of level at least Q2, in the last 5 years) and experience in undergraduate teaching. The language of undergraduate classes is Spanish.

Consideration will be given to areas of Mathematics aligned with the Department’s research foci, including Analysis, Algebra and Geometry, Logic and Number Theory (see https://dmat-udec.cl/). Special attention will be given to applications in Algebra and Geometry, Logic and Number Theory.

The Department offers programs Bachelor of Mathematics, Master in Mathematics and Doctorate in Mathematics, providing an active research milieu. The annual salary is approximately US$ 33,600 before deductions for taxes, health insurance, and pension contributions. Periodic evaluations of academic performance may lead to promotions and/or salary increases. Additionally, successful research projects may receive funding from the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (https://www.anid.cl).

To apply, generate a unique PDF file named «Last Name-Name-Concurso-2024» that includes:

Cover letter detailing your motivation to join the department. Research statement, limited to three pages. Curriculum Vitae (For prescribed format see http://dmat.cfm.cl/dmat/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Pauta-Curriculum.txt). Photocopy of Academic Degree. Submit the application to Email: concursodmat@udec.cl. Two recommendation letters should be sent directly by the recommenders to the same email address. The applicant must include the name, affiliation, and email address of each recommender in their CV.

The application deadline is March 31st, 2024. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Preselected candidates may have to undergo online interviews.

We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please see the job description above on how to apply.
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
Cod. MAT-01
Dirección de Personal
Universidad de Concepción
Casilla 160-C, Correo 3, Concepción
Web Page: https://dmat-udec.cl/2024/01/09/assistant-professor-in-mathematics/