Universite Paul Sabatier, EUR MINT, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse

Position ID:
2439-PR26INSA [#24338]
Position Title:
Professor position in Statistics / Modeling and Computational Sciences
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Toulouse, Midi-Pyrenees 31062, France
Subject Area:
Appl Deadline:
2024/03/29 09:00AMhelp popup finished (2024/02/16, finished 2024/08/01)
Position Description:

*** this position has been closed. ***

Position Description

Full Professor position in Statistics or Modeling and Computational Sciences at INSA Toulouse

The Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse (IMT) wishes to strengthen its potential in Statistics or in Modeling and Computational Sciences. This includes Machine Learning, AI and its applications. 
The candidate should bring in complementary expertise to and actively take part within the IMT and the Mathematics Department of INSA (Engineering School in Applied Sciences).
The main selection criteria for this position will be: the scientific excellence of the application, the clarity and relevance of the research project, the ability to lead scientific activities and the adequation to teaching needs.
wishes to strengthen its potential in Statistics or in Modeling and Computational Sciences. This includes Machine Learning, AI and its applications. The candidate should bring in complementary expertise to and actively take part within the IMT and  the Mathematics Department of INSA (Engineering School in Applied Sciences). The main selection criteria for this position will be: the scientific excellence of the application, the clarity and relevance of the research project, the ability to lead scientific activities  and the adequation to teaching needs.
wishes to strengthen its potential in Statistics or in Modeling and Computational Sciences. This includes Machine Learning, AI and its applications. The candidate should bring in complementary expertise to and actively take part within the IMT and  the Mathematics Department of INSA (Engineering School in Applied Sciences). The main selection criteria for this position will be: the scientific excellence of the application, the clarity and relevance of the research project, the ability to lead scientific activities  and the adequation to teaching needs.
Two types of profiles are sought for:

The first type of profiles concerns Statistics, a broad field of mathematics with close historical ties to probability. Its interactions have intensified with optimization theory, inverse problems, and various other fields such as geometry. There is a strong demand for applications and new developments in statistics from other scientific disciplines and the socio-economic world (industry, healthcare, biology, image processing, climate science, energy). Statistics is a highly active field within the Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse, with a supported doctoral program and regular research contracts. The recruited person is expected to bring new research dynamics to IMT at the interface between statistical tools, optimization, and machine learning, connecting with other areas of applied mathematics, both deterministic and stochastic. Their work can enhance IMT's interactions with industry, healthcare, environment, and sustainable development, in line with the scientific focuses and societal challenges highlighted at the level of INSA and IMT, as well as the entire Toulouse site.

The second type of profiles concerns Modeling and Computational Sciences. IMT aims to strengthen its potential in applied mathematics related to deterministic and/or random modeling and computational sciences (parallel computing, model reduction, multi-physics modeling, inverse problems) for problems of interest in other scientific disciplines and/or for socio-economic partners. The recruited person can reinforce IMT's actions in the application fields already represented in the institute (biology, health, physics, artificial intelligence, image and signal processing, engineering sciences, geophysics, and climate science) or introduce new application domains and collaborations. Special attention will be given to potential interactions with machine learning methods to introduce the use of data into physical models, either for calibration purposes or to produce reduced models and perform sensitivity analyses. This includes multi-physics and multi-scale modeling involving diverse phenomena at disparate scales.

The recruited person will join the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Modeling (GMM), which awards the INSA Engineer degree in Applied Mathematics through Initial Training as a Student (FISE) and through an apprenticeship program in a double degree with ENSEEIHT (ModIA: Modeling and Artificial Intelligence) in Initial Training as a Student and Apprentice (FISEA). Both programs include a significant portion of applied mathematics courses with substantial needs in Statistics on one hand, and Modeling/Computational Sciences on the other hand. Some of the courses also incorporate Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The recruited individual will be expected to become a part of the educational team in GMM, contributing to lectures, tutorials, and practical exercises that have a significant computer and digital dimension. It is anticipated that the recruited person will work towards strengthening the ties between the GMM department and the industrial sector through supervising projects, internships, as well as guiding apprentices in the ModIA program and addressing industrial demands for continuing education. The recruited person may also participate in teaching mathematics courses in STPI (Sciences and Techniques for Engineering) from the first to the third year post-baccalaureate.

The goal of the hiring is to enhance the teaching potential of the GMM department in statistics or in modeling/computational sciences, and even in machine learning and artificial intelligence, and to implement them in an industrial context. There is a strong demand from the industrial and socio-economic sectors (AIRBUS, ONERA, CNES, Meteo France), particularly regarding the integration of AI into other disciplines (Hybrid AI) that require the use of numerical and physical models to adapt AI methods. The recruited individual will also be sought after to propose or develop courses, supervise interdisciplinary projects in collaboration with other departments at INSA that aim to establish connections with applied mathematics. For example, this could involve themes such as reliability or Digital Twins (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering), or the integration of AI, Statistics, and Computational Sciences (Biology Engineering, Chemical Engineering). The person will be encouraged to develop joint projects with the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. These interdisciplinary projects will align with the scientific and training policy of INSA Toulouse, focusing on societal challenges such as the Digital Society, Environmental Transition, Mobility and Infrastructure, and Global Health. With the assistance of the Center for Innovation and Pedagogical Engineering (C2IP) at INSA, the recruited individual will be expected to contribute to the development of courses using innovative pedagogies and to deliver courses in English. In particular, the recruited person will have the opportunity to engage in projects developed within the European alliance ECIU University.

The recruited person will be required, like all faculty members of the Mathematics Department, to take on collective and/or administrative responsibilities, such as responsibility for a teaching unit or a study year, participation in promotion events for our programs, involvement in student recruitment juries, and other activities of the Mathematics Department. In the longer term, it is expected that the recruited person will participate in department councils, engage in certain central committees of the institution, and take on collective responsibilities such as departmental leadership, leading a central service (International Relations,   Business   Relations),   or   even   serving   as   a   director   of   studies.   In   addition   to   their   personal   research   activities,professors   are   expected   to   be   involved   in   scientific   outreach   and   research   leadership   activities.   This   includes   leading   a research   team   (including   the   supervision   of   doctoral   students   and   post-doctoral   researchers),   initiating   potentially interdisciplinary   research   projects,   or   promoting   research   through   collaborations   or   thesis   supervision   with   industrial operators or public research institutions (IRT, ONERA, CNES). They may also participate to the management of the laboratory,through participating to the laboratory council, the scientific and prospective council, or the valorization team.

The official teaching language at our department is mostly French, apart from certain Master programs which are taught in English. Only a part of the teaching duties can be done in such programs, so the candidate is expected to be able to teach in French language. Also, French regulations require the job application to be written and the interview to be held in French.

The Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse (IMT, UMR 5219) offers a highly enriching scientific environment covering all areas of mathematics. The recruited person will have the opportunity  to benefit  from the opportunities provided by the ANITI Institute of Artificial Intelligence (which includes the latest application to the national call "IA Cluster", with a significant portion of the scientific project relying on the use of AI in various contexts), the MINT University Research School (Mathematics and Interaction in Toulouse), or the CIMI  Labex (International Center for Mathematics and Computer Science). Additionally, the research ecosystem in Toulouse, both in applied research and in the public and industrial sectors, provides numerous possibilities for interactions. In this regard, professional experience in an international context will be appreciated.

The hiring process is managed by the national platform "Galaxie".
Submission of applications for the position: until March 29, 2024, 4pm Paris time
Interviews: April-Mai (expected).

The official job advertisement (in French) is available on the website of the institute.

We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please see the job description above on how to apply.
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Université Paul Sabatier
118, route de Narbonne - Bâtiment 1R3
Web Page: https://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/