Humboldt Universität zu Berlin / Leibniz Universität Hannover, Research Training Group 2965 - From Geometry to Numbers
Position ID:
Position Title:
PhD position in Mathematics
Position Type:
Student programs
Position Location:
Hannover and Berlin, Niedersachsen 30167, Germany
Subject Areas:
Algebra, geometry, arithmetic
Appl Deadline:
2024/06/15 11:59PM
finished (2024/05/27, finished 2024/12/21, listed until 2024/11/27)

Position Description:
*** this position has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
Position Description
The DFG funded research Training Group 2965 - From Geometry to Numbers, jointly run by Leibniz University Hannover and Humboldt University Berlin, invites applications for eight positions of a PhD student (m/f/d) in Mathematics (Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 75 %) to be appointed October 1st, 2024 or later. The position is limited to four years. Responsibilities Successful candidates are expected to independently work on a research project proposed in agreement with their supervisor, with the goal of obtaining a doctoral degree within four years. Additionally, candidates are expected to contribute to and actively participate in the academic program of the RTG. Depending on the location of the primary supervisor, the workplace will be either in Berlin or Hannover. Willingness to travel regularly to the respective partner city is required. Requirements Applicants must have completed a scientific university degree (Master's or Diploma) in Mathematics or Theoretical Physics. A focus in studies on Algebra, Geometry, or Number Theory is desirable. Evidence of above-average academic performance in the aforementioned disciplines is expected. The university aims to promote equality between women and men. For this purpose, the university strives to reduce under-representation in areas where a certain gender is under-represented. Women are under-represented in the salary scale of the advertised position. Therefore, qualified women are encouraged to apply. Moreover, we welcome applications from qualified men. Preference will be given to equally-qualified applicants with disabilities. For further information, please contact the spokesperson of the RTG, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreieder (contact details below). Please apply in German or English with the usual documents (cover letter, CV, transcript of records) via or by mail to the address below by June 15th, 2024. Additionally, two independent recommendation letters are expected, to be sent directly by the referees (preferably also via Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Algebraische Geometrie, Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover, Information on the collection of personal data according to article 13 GDPR can be found at Materials Required:
- Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Transcript of records
- Two reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
- And anything else requested in the position description.
Further Info:
+49 511 762 2248
Institut für Algebraische Geometrie
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Welfengarten 1
D-30167 Hannover
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Welfengarten 1
D-30167 Hannover