Utah State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Position ID:
553-PUREMATH [#24808]
Position Title:
Tenure-Track Position in Pure Mathematics
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Logan, Utah 84322, United States of America
Subject Areas:
Algebra, Geometry, or Topology
Appl Deadline:
2024/11/15 11:59PMhelp popup (posted 2024/07/31, updated 2024/07/12, listed until 2025/01/12)
Position Description:

*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

Position Description


The Mathematics and Statistics Department at Utah State University (USU) invites applications for a 9-month, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Mathematics, with a starting date of August 1, 2025. We seek a candidate with expertise in algebra, geometry, or topology, with a view to enhancing the strengths of our existing research groups in these areas. 

The pure math group in the Mathematics and Statistics Department at USU values a unified and interdisciplinary approach within mathematics, and maintains an active graduate program. We welcome applicants whose research area overlaps with – but does not duplicate – those of our existing faculty members. 

USU supports dual career applicants and provides a Dual Career Assistance program. In addition, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Utah State University anticipates conducting multiple faculty searches during the 2024-2025 academic year, to start in 2025; more information can be found at https://www.usu.edu/math/jobsearch

The Mathematics and Statistics Department at USU is committed to creating space for diverse perspectives from different disciplines, research interests, and life experiences. We strive to ensure that all members of our campus community have a voice and are supported and valued. We encourage all interested applicants to apply. 


The position is a full-time, nine-month (academic year) appointment with a 50:45:5 division of effort between research, teaching, and service. University expectations include (i) establishing a strong independent research program which achieves national recognition through publications and funding, (ii) teaching of mathematics at the undergraduate and graduate level, active mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students, and active involvement in the pure math group’s seminars, (iii) engaging effectively in service, for example, through student supervisory committees. 

Minimum Qualifications
  • Ph.D. in mathematics or a closely related field.
  • Demonstrated excellence in both research and teaching. 
Preferred Qualifications 
  • Postdoctoral experience. 
  • Potential to enhance and extend USU's pure math group. 
Required Documents 

Applicants should apply electronically to www.mathjobs.org, and submit the following:
  1. Cover letter. 
  2. Curriculum vitae.
  3. Statement of research interests. (Please describe how your research aligns with the characteristics described in the above Overview and Qualifications.)
  4. Statement of teaching philosophy.
  5. Four reference letters, with at least one addressing the applicant's teaching experience and potential. 
In addition, to be considered applicants must also complete a brief online application and provide their CV at the USU Jobs site:   https://careers-usu.icims.com/jobs/8169/assistant-professor-of-pure-mathematics/job

Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2024, with the position open until filled.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research statement
  • Teaching statement
  • Four reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
email address
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Utah State University
3900 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-3900