EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL Faculty Affairs
Position ID:
Position Title:
Faculty Position in Mathematics
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Lausanne, Vaud 1015, Switzerland
Appl Deadline:
2024/11/01 11:59PM
(posted 2024/08/15)

Position Description:
Position Description
The School of Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) at EPFL seeks to fill a faculty position in Mathematics at the level of Tenure Track Assistant Professor. We seek outstanding candidates with research interests in any area of geometry, analysis, and / or probability. This should be broadly construed and includes, but is not limited to, harmonic analysis, geometric analysis, PDE theory, stochastic analysis, differential geometry, random geometry, etc. The successful candidate will be a rising star in one or several of these areas, with broad expertise connecting different aspects of geometry, analysis, and / or probability theory. The successful candidate must have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. We expect candidates to show exceptional promise to develop into world leaders. Priority will be given to the overall originality and promise of the candidate’s work over any particular specialization area. EPFL, with its main campus located in Lausanne, Switzerland, on the shores of Lake Geneva, is a highly-international, dynamically growing and well-funded institution fostering excellence and diversity. The EPFL environment is multi-lingual and multi-cultural. Its campus has first-class infrastructure, including high performance computing. Mathematics at EPFL especially benefits from the presence of the Bernoulli Centre for Fundamental Studies on the EPFL campus, and boasts a world class faculty. Applications should include a cover letter, a CV with a list of publications, a concise statement of research (maximum three pages) and teaching interests (one page), and the names and contact (including e-mail) of at least three to five referees who have already agreed to supply a letter upon request. Application deadline : 1st November 2024. Applications should be uploaded to the EPFL recruitment page: https://facultyrecruiting.epfl.ch/position/56918016 Enquiries may be addressed to: Prof. Maryna Viazovska Director of the Mathematics Institute & Co-Chair of the Search Committee and/or Prof. Martin Hairer Co-Chair of the Search Committee at the address puremath-search.2024@epfl.ch For additional information, please consult www.epfl.ch, sb.epfl.ch, math.epfl.ch EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and family-friendly university. It is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and strongly encourages qualified women to apply.We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please apply at https://facultyrecruiting.epfl.ch/position/56918016

- Postal Mail:
- BS 256 / Station 4 / CH - 1015 Lausanne