San Jose State University, Mathematics and Statistics
Position ID:
Position Title:
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
San Jose, California 95192-0103, United States of America
Appl Deadline:
2024/11/07 11:59PM
finished (2024/10/07, finished 2025/02/10, listed until 2025/04/07)

Position Description:
*** this position has been closed. ***
Position Description
Tenure track Position in Mathematics Education The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at San José State University invites applications for one tenure-track faculty position in Mathematics Education at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin in Fall of 2025. We seek applicants with demonstrated evidence of excellence in teaching at the university level, outstanding research potential and potential for securing grants related to mathematics education, and a commitment to department service. Deadline: November 7, 2024. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is home to a stellar group of full-time faculty members with research and professional projects that are currently funded by private foundations (e.g., Ethereum) and state and federal agencies (e.g., National Science Foundation [NSF]). In particular, mathematics education faculty are currently working on scaling social justice, data science, and Artificial Intelligence-mediated teaching and learning in PK-12 math classrooms, developing virtual reality tools for supporting deep learning of mathematics, and understanding the impact of professional induction and teacher preparation programs in mathematics in the California State University system on early middle school and high school mathematics teacher retention and attrition. The B.A. Mathematics Integrated Teacher Education Program, which allows undergraduate math majors to complete their B.A. Math degree and the single subject credential in mathematics in four years, has also been awarded the NSF Noyce grant for its exemplary, unique, and inclusive pedagogical model for preparing future middle school and high school mathematics teachers. The new mathematics education Assistant Professor is strongly encouraged to develop a research agenda that could potentially transform and impact mathematics teaching, learning, and assessment in PK-12 locally, statewide, and internationally, consistent with the highly innovative culture of the Silicon Valley. To apply and see a more detailed description of the position can be found at: are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please apply at

- Contact: Steven Crunk, Chair, Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, 408-924-5100, 408-924-5080 (fax)
- Email:
- Postal Mail:
- Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0103
- Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics
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