Peking University, Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research

Position ID:
PKU-POSTDOC5 [#25703]
Position Title:
Position Type:
Position Location:
Beijing, Beijing, China
Appl Deadline:
(posted 2024/10/30, listed until 2025/10/28)
Position Description:

Position Description

The Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR) at Peking University is inviting applications for a post-doctoral fellow position. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Professors Yi-Juan Hu and Xiang Zhan at BICMR, focusing on both methodological research in Statistics and the application of statistical methods to solve real-world problems in medicine and public health. The research will specifically involve developing innovative analytical methods for various omics data, including microbiome, genetics, genomics, and metabolomics data. The position is for a two-year appointment. Applicants must hold a PhD in Statistics, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Computer Science, or a related quantitative discipline. Strong statistical, computational, and communication skills are highly desired. A keen interest in gaining knowledge in medical and public health sciences is also highly preferred.

BICMR Post-doctors share all benefits and responsibilities of post-doctors in Peking University, including children education, health insurance, etc. The annual salary is·180,000 to 240,000 RMB (Before Tax) plus housing allowance. If you apply for a Peking University Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship, please refer to Peking University Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship program: https:/ / To inquire about the position, contact: Dr. Yi-Juan Hu, PKU Boya Distinguished Professor, BICMR, Department of Biostatistics, Peking University, Or Dr. Xiang Zhan, Professor, School of Statistics and Data Science, Southeast University, Email:

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research statement
  • Teaching statement
  • Publication list
  • Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
email address
Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research
Peking University, Beijing 100871
P. R. China