University of Nebraska at Kearney, Mathematics and Statistics
Position ID:
Position Title:
Assistant Professor of Mathematics/Mathematics Education
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Kearney, Nebraska 68848, United States of America
Appl Deadline:
2025/01/05 11:59PM
(posted 2024/11/18, listed until 2025/05/08)

Position Description:
Position Description
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK) is accepting applications for a tenure track position starting in August 2025. The Department is looking for a passionate teacher who has a specific interest in the success and improvement of introductory, service, and general education undergraduate mathematics coursework. Teaching responsibilities will primarily include face-to-face courses such as college and intermediate algebra, introductory statistics, and math for non-majors. Research and publication appropriate for the mission of the University are required in a related field. Service to the department, to the college, to the university and to the discipline are required.Job Duties
The teaching load is 12 credit hours on campus each semester, Spring and Fall, with the possibility of a 3-credit hour research release each semester. Research and service in accordance with departmental, college, and university guidelines are required for continued appointment, promotion, and tenure.
Required Qualifications
- Ph.D. or Ed.D. in Mathematics, Statistics, Mathematics Education, or a closely related discipline earned by the date of appointment
- Evidence of implementing research-based teaching and learning strategies for supporting student success
- Evidence of quality research in Mathematics, Statistics, or Mathematics Education
- Evidence of a focus on student success in undergraduate mathematics, demonstrated through research, grant-writing, or teacher leadership
Preferred Qualifications
- Evidence of successful teaching in 100- and 200-level math undergraduate courses
- Research interests focused on student success in undergraduate mathematics general education and related courses
- Grant writing experience
- Experience in mentoring others in the improvement of teaching
Special Instructions to Applicant
A complete application must include (1) a cover letter, (2) a curriculum vitae (3) a statement on teaching that addresses the candidate’s successful use of research-based teaching practices, (4) a statement on research, and (5) contact information for three references, at least one who can address the candidate’s teaching.
Applicants must apply online at
Special Conditions for Eligibility
Must be willing to teach in-person and be on campus
We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please see the job description above on how to apply.
- Contact: Derek Boeckner
- Email:
- Postal Mail:
- 2502 19th Ave
Discovery Hall 380
- 2502 19th Ave
- Web Page: