University of Hamburg, Department of Mathematics

Position ID:
UHH-POSTDOC [#25921]
Position Title:
Postdoc position within collaborative research center "Higher Structures, moduli spaces, and integrability"
Position Type:
Position Location:
Hamburg, Hamburg 20146, Germany
Subject Areas:
higher structures, moduli spaces, integrability
Appl Deadline:
2024/12/12 11:59PMhelp popup (posted 2024/11/21, listed until 2025/05/21)
Position Description:

Position Description

Within the collaborative research center "Higher structures, moduli spaces and integrability" we advertise a postdoctoral position for a duration of three years to start in September/October 2025 or earlier. The application deadline is the 12th of December.

The research center is a joint initiative of the departments of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Hamburg, DESY Hamburg, and the Technical University of Munich. It will provide a vibrant and focussed research environment in the three core areas "higher structures and (topological) quantum field theories", "integrability of non-perturbative effects in quantum field and string theories" and "deformations and asymptotics of moduli spaces".

In your application, please indicate possibilities for collaboration with the PIs (Arutyunov, Cortés, Dyckerhoff, Holstein, Lawrie, Möller, Pomoni, Reutter, Runkel, Scheimbauer, Schomerus, Schweigert, Teschner, Wedrich, Weigand, Westphal). For more information on the research center, please visit

and apply at

("Apply" button at bottom of the page)

We especially encourage interested female scientists to apply. In addition to university-wide measures improving work-life balance, the collaborative research center includes a variety of equal opportunity initiatives, such as a special exchange and visiting program for female scientists to support scientific exchange and network building.

Research associates will be expected to primarily conduct research, as well as to actively participate in the scientific events of the research center and in their organisation. The position comes with a teaching load of 4 LVS (hours per week) during term time.

Research associates will become members of the Research School of the Excellence Cluster "Quantum Universe" at Hamburg University. The Research School provides academic and soft skills training, as well as career planning support. In addition, the collaborative research center will provide individual budgets to enable the attendance of summer schools and conferences, as well as a mentoring program.

We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please apply at external link.
Contact: Ingo Runkel
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Mathematik
Bundesstraße 55 (Geomatikum), 20146 Hamburg
Web Page: