Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, MIDS
Position ID:
Position Title:
Postdoc research associate
Position Type:
Position Location:
Ingolstadt, Bayern 85049, Germany
Subject Area:
mathematics of machine learning
Appl Deadline:
2025/01/25 11:59PM
(posted 2024/11/27, listed until 2025/01/25)

Position Description:
*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed. ***
Position Description
The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU) is a non-state university under church leadership and officially recognized by the Free State of Bavaria. It is committed to strong research and excellent teaching and combines first-class study conditions with an international focus. Eight faculties offer a wide range of subjects for around 5,000 students. The University employs 900 people of different faiths and beliefs. Grounded in the Christian view of human life, the KU aims to create an academic and educational culture of responsibility.The Chair of Reliable Machine Learning at the Faculty of Mathematics and Geography (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) invites application from highly motivated candidates for a full-time position (100%) starting May 15, 2025 as a
Postdoc research associate (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/-in (m/w/d))
with an initial contract duration of 3 years (with possibility for extension). The place of work will be Ingolstadt. Provided that the requirements are met, remuneration in the private-law employment relationship will be according to the pay grade E 13 TV-L. The possibility of completing a habilitation is given and is expressly desired.
The Chair of Reliable Machine Learning (headed by Prof. Felix Voigtlaender) is part of the Mathematical Institute for Machine Learning and Data Science (MIDS) at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. The research group is funded by the High-Tech Agenda of Bavaria, as part of the consortium Resource Aware Artificial Intelligence for Future Technologies of the KU, the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, the TU Munich, and the University of Bayreuth. Research at the Chair focuses on mathematically analyzing machine learning algorithms with a particular focus on questions of stability, computability, and robustness of methods from Deep Learning.
Your tasks
- Independent mathematical research in the area of machine learning
- Contribution to the current research projects of the Chair and support in the acquisition of new research projects
- Support in establishing the new Master's degree program in “Data Science”
- Teaching courses related to mathematics and machine learning (in English), in particular in the context of the Bachelor’s program in “Data Science”
- Knowledge transfer via publications and participation in conferences
- PhD/doctoral degree in mathematics, preferably with a focus on one of the following topics: o Machine Learning o (High-dimensional) probability theory o Real and functional analysis o Information-based complexity The doctoral degree does not have to be completed at the date of application but must be completed when starting the position.
- Interest in mathematical analysis of machine learning algorithms
- Practical experience in programming and machine learning (highly desirable but not mandatory)
- Good German language skills are not required but highly desirable, since some of the courses at the University must be taught in German
- Possibility to pursue own research
- Possibility to gain teaching experience
- Attractive and team-oriented workplace in a modern university environment
- Interesting, responsible, and versatile range of tasks
- International contacts
Please send your application as a single PDF file containing the following documents:
- Cover letter
- Résumé
- List of publications (if applicable)
- (Scanned) Certificates of academic degrees (BSc, MSc, PhD, etc.), including list of courses taken and grades (for the courses during the BSc/MSc degree)
- Electronic copy of (or the current draft of) the PhD/doctoral thesis (The PhD/doctoral degree may still be in the process of completion at the time of application, but the degree must be completed when starting the position.)
- Letter of recommendation
Please send your application by e-mail by Januar 20, 2025, to Prof. Dr. Felix Voigtlaender (
Application documents submitted will be destroyed/deleted after completion of the hiring process in compliance with data protection regulations.
Please note the KU’s privacy policy for the application process. Corresponding information can be downloaded from the KU website at By submitting your application, you confirm that you have taken note of the data protection information and the privacy policy.
All employees are obliged to acknowledge the nature and mission of the KU as stipulated in its Mission Statement and Foundation Charter. The University is therefore interested in receiving applications with relevant information in this regard. There are no specific denominational requirements for being employed at the KU.
The KU is committed to promoting equal opportunity (m/f/d) and aims to ensure that its members are able to balance work and family life. Candidates with severe disabilities who are equally suitable to other applicants will be prioritized.
We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please
- Contact: Prof. Felix Voigtlaender
- Email:
- Postal Mail:
- Auf der Schanz 49
85049 Ingolstadt
- Auf der Schanz 49
- Web Page: