Université Côte d'Azur, Mathematics

Position ID:
3026-HFWAVE [#26090]
Position Title:
3 years postdoc in numerical analysis for high-frequency waves
Position Type:
Position Location:
Nice, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur 06100, France
Subject Area:
Applied Math
Appl Deadline:
(posted 2024/12/18, listed until 2025/06/10)
Position Description:

Position Description

We offer a postdoctoral position in the J. A. Dieudonné Research Unit, a joint unit CNRS Université Côte d'Azur. The position is funded up to 3 years.

The project can be titled "A microlocal approach to the Helmholtz equation with discontinuous coefficients": based on the microlocal analysis of the problem, an efficient alternative to the standard Finite Element approach can be designed. The main aim of this postdoctoral project will be to adapt the methods developed so far to more general geometric settings, including discontinuous coefficients, obstacles with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions, and possibly manifolds.

Details on the scientific project can be found at the URL https://math.univ-cotedazur.fr/~ingremeau/PostdocNuHeMiBa.pdf

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in applied mathematics, with a strong focus on numerical analysis, particularly in the context of wave equations. Proficiency in numerical implementation and computational methods will be appreciated. Candidates with a PhD in semiclassical analysis who are keenly interested in numerical analysis are also encouraged to apply.

We are not accepting applications for this job through MathJobs.Org right now. Please see the job description above on how to apply.
Contact: Maxime Ingremeau
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
Labo J. A. Dieudonné
Université Côte d'Azur
Parc Valrose
06108 Nice cedex
Web Page: https://math.unice.fr