Job Listings  

Bilkent University, Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [FP4] Mathematics, Faculty positions
  2. [PDFQC2024] Foundations of quantum computing, Postdoc
  3. [PDHQC2024] Homotopical quantum computation, Postdoc
  4. [VISAP4] Visiting Assistant Professor

Sabancı University, Mathematics Program, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences sort by distance

  1. [MATHFACULT] Algebra, Full-time Faculty in Mathematics

Koc University, Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [AP2025] Applied Mathematics or Statistics, Assistant or Associate Professor

Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [PDRF] Mathematics, Post-doctoral research fellow (deadline 2024/12/25 11:59PM)
  2. [ERCPOSTDOC] Isoperimetric Problems, Differential Geometry, Calculus of Variations, Convex Geometry, Optimal-Transport, ERC Post-Doctoral Fellow (2025/02/01 11:59PM)
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Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Probability Group sort by distance

  1. [PFP] Probability, Full Professor Position in Probability
  2. [PRF] Probability, Postdoctoral research fellowship
  3. [PTT] Probability, Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Position in Probability

Tel Aviv University, School of Mathematical Sciences sort by distance

  1. [POSTDOC1] Probability Theory, Statistical Mechanics and related Analysis topics., Postdoc (deadline 2025/01/15 11:59PM)
  2. [POSTDOC2] Combinatorics, Postdoc (2025/01/31 11:59PM)

Bar Ilan University, Department of Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [FOURIER] Fourier Analysis, Postdoctoral Researcher (deadline 2024/11/30 11:59PM)
  2. [POSTDOC] All areas of pure and applied mathematics, Postdoctoral Researcher (deadline 2024/12/15 11:59PM)
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Holon Institute of Technology, School of Mathematical Sciences sort by distance

  1. [PDRMT] Random matrices, quantum chaos, mathematical physics, applied probability, Postdoctoral Research Associate
  2. [STVPDRMT] Random matrices, quantum chaos, mathematical physics, applied probability, Short-Term Visiting Postdoctoral Position (2025/02/03 11:59PM)

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [PD8] All areas of mathematics, Postdoctoral Researcher

Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of mathematics sort by distance

  1. [PDOC25] Mathematics, Post-Doctoral position (accepting applications)

Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences sort by distance

  1. [PDM] Mathematics, Postdoc in Mathematics (deadline 2024/10/31 11:59PM)
  2. [POSTDOC] Cluster Algebras and Quantum Groups, Two postdoc positions at IMI

Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [LDTPOSTDOC] Low-dimensional topology, Postdoctoral fellow (2025/01/31 11:59PM)
  2. [RENYIPOSTDOC] Any area of mathematics, Postdoctoral fellow (2025/02/28 11:59PM)

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, CEMSE Division sort by distance

  1. [AMCS] Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciencews, Faculty Position in Applied Mathematics (deadline 2025/01/15 11:59PM)

Gran Sasso Science Institute, Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [PHD] Mathematics, Ph.D. position in Mathematics A.Y. 2025-2026 (deadline 2025/01/10 09:00AM)
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Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata", Matematica sort by distance

  1. [PROFESSOR] Mathematics, Full/Associate Professor

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, School of Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [AP2KMA] Mathematical analysis, Assistant Professor in the field of Mathematical Analysis (2025/02/10 11:59PM)
  2. new posting[ERIN3] Numerical Linear Algebra, Postdoctoral Researcher - Numerical Linear Algebra and HPC (2025/03/01 11:59PM)
  3. [POSTDOCKALA] Number Theory, 3-year Postdoc in Number Theory (2025/02/10 11:59PM)

University of Passau, Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics / Discrete Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [COMB] Combinatorics, PhD/Postdoc position (2025/01/26 11:59PM)

University of Helsinki, Department of Mathematics and Statistics sort by distance

  1. [PHD_NOISYBSS] Statistics, Open position for a Doctoral Researcher in the project “Signal Recovery in Noisy Spatial Data” (deadline 2024/12/12 11:59PM)

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Department of Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [ASASCFP1] Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial Science, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Mathematics (2025/03/31 11:59PM)

TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Geophysics and Geoinformatics sort by distance

  1. [PHD] PhD Position in Geomathematics/Inverse Problems
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University of Pisa, Department of Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [RA] Analysis, Assegno di Ricerca (Postdoctoral Position) (deadline 2025/01/08 06:59AM)

Technical University of Munich, Centre for Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [CRC352POSTDOC] Mathematics of Many-Body Quantum Systems, Distinguished Postdoctoral Researcher Position (f) (deadline 2024/12/08 11:59PM)
  2. [JZ_POSTDOC] Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Postdoctoral Researcher in Applied Analysis and Stochastics in the Sciences (deadline 2024/12/20 11:59PM)
  3. [NUMMATHPOS] Multiphysics Simulation of Hemodynamics, Treatment, and Long-Term Perspective of Cerebral Aneurysms Using Lattice Boltzmann Methods., PhD/Postdoc Position in Numerical Mathematics, 100% (deadline 2024/12/16 11:59PM)
  4. [PRIORITYMF] Mathematical analysis, numerical analysis for models in machine learning, Phd or PostDoc Researcher, mathematics of machine learning (deadline 2024/12/31 11:59PM)

WIAS Berlin, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics sort by distance

  1. [PHD3] PhD student position (f/m/d) (Ref. 24/20) at WIAS Berlin, Germany (deadline 2024/10/31 11:59PM)
  2. [PHD5] PhD Student Position (f/m/d) (Ref. 24/21) at WIAS Berlin, Germany

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