Job Listings  

East China Normal University, School of Mathematical Sciences sort by distance

  1. [ECNU] All mathematics areas, Postdoctor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [TF24] All Areas of Mathematics and Statistics, Tenured Positions
  2. [TTFPA24] Pure and Applied Mathematics, Tenure-Track Associate Professor
  3. [TTFS24] Statistics, Tenure-Track Associate Professor
  4. [WAP24] All Areas of Mathematics and Statistics, Wen-Tsun Wu Assistant Professor (Postdoc Position)

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, The Institute of Natural Sciences sort by distance

  1. [ALL1] Applied mathematics, All-level Tenured/Tenure-track Professors

NYU Shanghai sort by distance

  1. [POSTDOC1] Postdoctoral Fellow Positions in Mathematics
  2. [VISITING] Visiting Faculty Positions in Mathematics

Fudan University, Center for Applied Mathematics sort by distance

  1. [TAP] Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Statistics, Tenured Associate Professor
  2. [TFP] Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Statistics, Tenured Full Professor
  3. [TTAP] Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Statistics, Tenure-track Assistant Professor

Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SIMIS) sort by distance

  1. [FACULTYANDPOSTDOC] Mathematics, Mathematics All level Positions_ Postdoctoral, Assistant, Associate, Full Professor

Fudan University, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences sort by distance

  1. [PRF7] All areas of pure and applied mathematics, including statistics, Postdoctoral research fellowship (deadline 2024/12/15 11:59PM)
  2. [TF7] All areas of pure and applied mathematics, including statistics, Tenured faculty (deadline 2024/12/15 11:59PM)
  3. [TTF7] All areas of pure and applied mathematics, including statistics, Tenure-track faculty (deadline 2024/12/15 11:59PM)

Duke Kunshan University sort by distance

  1. [24FNSMATH] complex systems, scientific computing, stochastic modelling, analysis, mathematical optimization and control, numerical analysis, topology, and relevant adjacent fields, Faculty Position (rank open) in Mathematics
  2. [25SNASMATH] statistics and probability, stochastic modelling, scientific computing, mathematical optimization and control, numerical analysis, and relevant adjacent fields, Multiple Faculty Positions in Mathematics (2025/03/15 11:59PM)

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University sort by distance

  1. [HEADOFDEPARTMENT] Pure Math, Head of Department of Pure Mathematics (2025/06/12 11:59PM)
  2. [OPENRANK] Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Faculty Positions in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (2025/06/12 11:59PM)
  3. [OPENRANK1] Applied Math, Faculty Positions in Applied Mathematics (2025/06/12 11:59PM)
  4. [OPENRANK2] Physics, Faculty Positions in Department of Physics (2025/06/12 11:59PM)
  5. [OPENRANK3] Foundational Mathematics, Faculty Positions in Foundational Mathematics (2025/06/12 11:59PM)
2988 0

Ningbo University, School of Mathematics and Statistics sort by distance

  1. [FACULTY1] Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty

Eastern Institute of Technology sort by distance

  1. [FACULTYANDPOSTDOC] All areas of mathematical science, Open Rank
2280 0

Westlake University sort by distance

  1. [PAGG1] Post-doc Position in Arithmetic Geometry Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
  2. [PSCMA1] Post-doc Position in Scientific Computing and Model Analysis, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University, Post-doc Position in Scientific Computing and Model Analysis, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University

Zhejiang University, School of Mathematical Sciences sort by distance

  1. [ALLRANKS3] Mathematics and Statistics, Multiple Open Faculty Positions (2025/06/30 11:59PM)

Westlake University sort by distance

  1. [PGMT1] Geometric Measure Theory, Post-doc position in Geometric Measure Theory Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
  2. [ITS_FACULTYPOSITIONS2] Mathematical Sciences, theoretical physics, Faculty Positions in Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
  3. [PDEG] Mathematics, Partial Differential Equation, Post-doc position in Partial Differential Equation Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
  4. [PDSG] Post-doc position in Dynamical Systems Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
  5. [POSTDOC6] Mathematical Sciences, Theoretical Physics, Post-doc positions in Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University

Westlake University, Institute for Theoretical Sciences sort by distance

  1. [PCGG] Post-doc Positions in the Complex Geometry Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
  2. [PHNT] Post-doc Positions in the Higher Number Theory Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
  3. [PHTB] Post-doc Positions in the Hodge Theory and Biration Geometry Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
  4. [PMFD] Post-doc Positions in the Mathematical Fluid Dynamics Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
1833 0

Zhejiang Normal University, School of Mathematical Sciences sort by distance

  1. [RP] Mathematics, Assistant/ Associate/ Full Professor

Nanjing Normal University, School of Mathematical Sciences sort by distance

  1. [NJNUPOSTDOC2024] Mathematics, Postdoctoral positions
  2. [NJNUTT2024] Mathematics, Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor

Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University sort by distance

  1. [FPAPPOSTDOCS1] Tenued positions, Tenue-track positions, Postdocs

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