Job Listings
[ACSI ] Mathematical Sciences (Actuarial Science), Tenure-Track Faculty
[RUME ] Mathematical Sciences (RUME), Tenure-Track Faculty
[PD ] Postdoctoral Scholar
[SL ] Mathematics, Senior Lecturer (2025/08/15 11:59PM)
[TTAP ] Open, Tenure-track Assistant Professor (deadline 2024/10/15 11:59PM)
[LEC ] Mathematics, Lecturer
[APM ] Mathematics, Assistant or Associate Professor of Mathematics
[ASSISTANTASSOCIATEPROFESSOROFMATHEMATICS ] Mathematics and Computer Science, Assistant/Associate Professor of Mathematics (Tenure -Track). (deadline 2024/10/21 11:59PM)
[LECTURER1 ] Mathematics and Computer Science, Lecturer of Mathematics (deadline 2024/10/21 11:59PM)
[PTA ] Mathematics, Postdoctoral Teaching Associate (deadline 2025/01/20 11:59PM* )
[TAPL ] Mathematics, Teaching Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Mathematics (deadline 2025/02/01 11:59PM* )
[AP ] Assistant Professor (deadline 2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[ASST_PROF ] Mathematics, Assistant Professor (deadline 2024/10/31 11:59PM)
[LECTURER ] Lecturer of Mathematics (deadline 2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[APM ] Mathematics, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (tenure track)
[APS ] Assistant Professor, Statistics
[PROFESSORANDCHAIR ] Mathematical Sciences, Elaine M. Hubbard Chair in Mathematics
[PROFMATH_BIO_2425 ] Mathematical Sciences, PROFESSOR ALL RANKS 24-25
[PROFMATH_STEM_2425 ] Mathematical Sciences - STEM, PROFESSOR ALL RANKS 24-25
[VAP_2425 ] Mathematics, VISITING ASSSTANT PROFESSOR_24-25
[LEC ] Lecturer
[TT ] Algebra, Assistant Professor in Algebra
[AP ] Geometry and Topology, Assistant Professor in Topology (2025/08/01 11:59PM* )
[AP1 ] Algebra, Assistant Professor in Algebra (2025/08/01 11:59PM* )
[ASSOCIATEFULL ] Applied Mathematics, Associate/Full Professor Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty Position in Applied Mathematics (2025/08/01 11:59PM* )
[VAP ] Mathematics, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics
[AP ] mathematics, Assistant Professor (deadline 2025/01/14 11:59PM)
[ASSISTANTPROFESSOR ] Data Analytics/Mathematics/Statistics, Assistant Professor in Data Analytics/Math/Stats
[AP ] Mathematics, Assistant Professor (deadline 2024/11/07 11:59PM)
[FAC ] Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Informatics, Intelligent Systems Engineering, Mathematics, and Psychological and Brain Sciences, Faculty Positions in Human Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (deadline 2024/11/01 11:59PM)
[LEC ] Mathematics, Lecturer (deadline 2024/12/15 11:59PM)
[QUA ] Mathematics, Faculty Positions in Applied Quantum Information Science at Indiana University (deadline 2024/11/01 11:59PM)
[ZORN ] Mathematics, Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow (deadline 2024/12/20 11:59PM)
[OPENRANK ] Open Area, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor- Open Mathematics
[MATH ] Computational Mathematics or Numerical Analysis, Assistant Professor
[STATS ] Computational Statistics or Data Science, Assistant Professor
[DIRECTOR ] Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, School Director
[IAP ] Mathematics, Instructional Assistant Professor
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