MathJobs.Org is an automated job application system, sponsored by
the American Mathematical Society. We
serve all job applicants with advanced degrees in Mathematics, and employers (academic or industrial)
searching for mathematicians. The
system is free for applicants. Applicant data is confidential, unless the
applicant makes it public to enrolled employers by selecting the "Free
agent" choice on the coversheet. After registration and data entry,
applicants can apply for jobs, keep track of applications, print out paper
coversheets, and invite their reference writers to submit letters into the
system. Employers can conduct their recruiting entirely online, without
setting up and maintaining their own servers and databases. The only
requirement for employers is they have web access.
To sign up as a new employer, please use
the "New Employer"
For those running application processes in the mathematical sciences
that are NOT employment-related, the site MathPrograms.Org closely
resembles MathJobs.Org and it has separate fees and accounts.
For employers not hiring in mathematics and closely related fields, the same great service is available at
AcademicJobsOnline.Org and
AcademicProgramsOnline.Org, which
are run by the Duke University Mathematics Department.
While the American Mathematical Society (AMS) does not screen ads for
compliance, the Society expects all institutions posting
advertisements in AMS publications to comply with the equal
opportunity laws that apply in the jurisdictions in which they are
located. Federal law prohibits employers in the United States from
discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin,
religion, sex, age or disability. Applicants should be aware that
institutions outside of the United States may not be legally bound to
conform to these or similar requirements, and are advised to inform
themselves of conditions that may exist at the institutions to which
they apply. The AMS reserves the right to reject any advertisement.
The AMS strongly supports equal opportunity in employment. Despite
increasing participation at many levels, low rates of retention and
promotion of women and underrepresented minorities remain a serious
concern, particularly at doctoral-granting institutions. Therefore,
AMS members, both individual and institutional, are urged to examine
frequently their policies and procedures to see in what ways they may
facilitate careers in mathematics research for women and
underrepresented minorities. Resources can be found at the website .