List of Currently Registered Employers   []

MathJobs.Org was officially launched in August, 2000. In the last 12 months, 1225 employers from 241 states in 49 countries have used the service for 3150 job ads (with 1990 ads-only, 190 encouraging URMs to apply, and 1358 posted in the last 2 months; viewed 9017656 times); 44775 unique users have logged in; 5670 applicants have been on the 'Job Wanted' list, with 1449 in the Minority Registry; 13861 have registered as new applicants (with 1495 in the last 2 months) or updated their profiles; 9599 applicants have uploaded 186357 new documents; 9323 applicants have submitted 112903 new applications (with 7074 in the last 2 months,) with an average of 12.11 positions applied per applicant; 25290 reference writers have used the system, with 18306 reference writers uploaded 30800 new letters.
• 1 employers not located in the map • this map is only a best-effort approximation.