Job Listings  

Czech Republic:
Hlavni mesto Praha (4), N/A (1)

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, School of Mathematics
  1. [HONZIKHENCL] Mathematical analysis, Postdoctoral Researcher -- Geometric Function (deadline 2024/04/30 11:59PM, Hlavni mesto Praha, CZ)
Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Mathematics
  1. [02PHDZEMAN] mathematical programming, Ph.D. position in modular-topology optimization of compliant structures, mechanisms, and materials (deadline 2024/04/30 11:59PM, Hlavni mesto Praha, CZ)
  2. [PHDHENRION] optimization, calculus of variations, Two Ph.D. positions in polynomial optimization for calculus of variations (Hlavni mesto Praha, CZ)
  3. [POSTDOCHENRION] optimization, calculus of variations, Two postdoctoral positions in polynomial optimization for calculus of variations (Hlavni mesto Praha, CZ)
University of Ostrava, Department of Mathematics
  1. [APPRIII] Associate Professor / Professor / Researcher III at the Department of Mathematics (N/A, CZ)

(5 positions listed)