List of Currently Registered Employers   []

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MathJobs.Org was officially launched in August, 2000. In the last 12 months, 1225 employers from 242 states in 49 countries have used the service for 3114 job ads (with 1971 ads-only, 188 encouraging URMs to apply, and 1349 posted in the last 2 months; viewed 9012463 times); 44647 unique users have logged in; 5656 applicants have been on the 'Job Wanted' list, with 1450 in the Minority Registry; 13789 have registered as new applicants (with 1446 in the last 2 months) or updated their profiles; 9571 applicants have uploaded 186442 new documents; 9294 applicants have submitted 112907 new applications (with 6726 in the last 2 months,) with an average of 12.15 positions applied per applicant; 25264 reference writers have used the system, with 18316 reference writers uploaded 30810 new letters.
  1. University of the West Indies, Mathematics
  2. University of Warwick, Department of Mathematics
  3. University of Warwick, Statistics
  4. University of Washington, Applied Mathematics
  5. University of Washington, Department of Mathematics
  6. University of Washington Bothell, School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
  7. University of Waterloo, Applied Mathematics (1)
  8. University of Waterloo, Combinatorics and Optimization (2)
  9. University of Waterloo, Institute for Quantum Computing
  10. University of Waterloo, Pure Mathematics
  11. University of Waterloo, Statistics and Actuarial Science (1)
  12. University of West Florida, Mathematics and Statistics
  13. University of Western Ontario, Department of Mathematics (2)
  14. University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Mathematics
  15. University of Wisconsin La Crosse, Mathematics (1)
  16. University of Wisconsin Madison, Department of Mathematics
  17. University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, Mathematical Sciences Department (1)
  18. University of Wisconsin Superior, Mathematics and Computer Science
  19. University of Wisconsin Whitewater, Department of Mathematics
  20. University of Wyoming, Mathematics
  21. University of Wyoming, School of Computing
  22. Wabash College (1)
  23. Wake Forest University, Department of Mathematics
  24. Wake Forest University, Department of Statistical Sciences (1)
  25. Waseda University, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (1)
  26. Washington & Lee University, Mathematics (1)
  27. Washington College
  28. Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Mathematics (2)
  29. Washington University in St. Louis, Statistics and Data Science (1)
  30. Wellesley College, Mathematics (1)
  31. Wells College (1)
  32. Wenzhou-Kean University (1)
  33. Western Carolina University, Math & Computer Science
  34. Western Illinois University, Mathematics (1)
  35. Westlake University (7)
  36. Wheaton College, Department of Mathematics
  37. Whitman College, Mathematics
  38. Whittier College, Mathematics & Computer Science (1)
  39. WIAS Berlin, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (4)
  40. Wichita State University, Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics
  41. William Jewell College (1)
  42. Williams College, Mathematics & Statistics
  43. Wofford College (1)
  44. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Mathematical Sciences (1)
  45. Wright State University, Math & Statistics
(‡ 34 active job ads)