[ASSTMATHPRFSSR] Mathematics, Geometry, Topology, and/or Analysis, Assistant Teaching Professor of Mathematics with a focus in Geometry, Topology, and/or Analysis (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[PROFMATH24] Applied Mathematics/Statistics with Life Sciences Applications, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Applied Mathematics/Statistics with Life Science Applications
[PROFSTAT24] STATISTICS/Data Driven Solving, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Data-driven solutions for complex systems and modelsAssistant/Associate/Full Professor in Data-driven Solving
[POSTDOC] Inverse Problems; Medical image reconstruction; Radiotherapy plan optimization, Postdoctoral Scholar Position in Medical Imaging-related Inverse Problems (2025/06/20 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC] Scalable Ecosystem for Complex Chemistry Simulations, Postdoctoral Research Associate - Numerical Analysis and Development of Quantum Chemistry Solvers Using AI-Hardware
[TTMATH] Geometry and related fields, Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track in Mathematics(Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) (2024/11/29 11:59PM)
[IAP1] Enterprise, Engagement and Impact, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and its Applications (Enterprise, Engagement and Impact) (deadline 2024/04/07 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC] Algebraic Geometry of related field, Three-year postdoc position in algebraic geometry at the University of Antwerp (accepting applications, deadline 2024/08/13 11:59PM)
[JRGL1] Mathematics Numerical Analysis, Junior Research Group Leader in Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (f/m/d) (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[TTAPFP] Statistics, statistical methodology, computational statistics, machine learning, and mathematical statistics, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Associate Professor in the promotion program of Statistics (2024/10/06 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC11] Optimization for Machine Learning, 1-2 Postdoctor (2 years) within Optimization for Machine Learning (2024/09/15 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC3] Representation theory and Number theory, Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) within Representation theory and Number theory (2024/09/16 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC] Probability Theory, Statistical Mechanics and related topics in analysis, Postdoctoral fellowships in Probability Theory, Statistical Mechanics and related topics in analysis (deadline 2024/06/30 11:59PM)
[ALL_LEVEL2] all areas of pure or applied mathematics, Postdoc, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Distinguished Professor (2024/09/15 11:59PM)
[TTP] pure mathematics, and computational and applied mathematics, probability and financial mathematics, data science and others., Tenured/Tenured-track position at National Taiwan University (2024/09/15 11:59PM)
[OPENRANKFACULTYPOSITIONINFINTECH] Fintech and Applied Math/Financial Mathmetics/Data Science, Open-rank faculty position in Fintech and Applied Math/Financial Mathmetics/Data Science (2024/11/04 11:59PM)
[AMA240808007] Data Science and Analytics, Assistant Professor in Data Science and Analytics
[AMA240822006] Applied Optimization and Operations Research / Data Science and Analytics / Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics / Engineering and Computational Mathematics / Mathematical Science, Applied Optimization and Operations Research / Data Science and Analytics / Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics / Engineering and Computational Mathematics / Mathematical Science
[POSTDOC] Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Cyberspace Security, Postdoctoral Positions at the Institute for Math & AI, Wuhan (IMAI)
[POSTDOC] Mathematics Applied, Post-doc position (2 years) at University of Dubrovnik, within Conduction (Optimal control and model reduction for evolution and data driven problems) project.