[ASSISTANTPROFESSOR] All fields of mathematics, theoretical physics, computer science, and their applications, Assistant Professor (2024/10/20 11:59PM)
[ASSOCIATEPROFESSOR] All fields of mathematics, theoretical physics, computer science, and their applications, Associate Professor (2024/10/20 11:59PM)
[CHERNINSTRUCTOR] All fields of mathematics, theoretical physics, computer science, and their applications, Chern Instructor (2024/10/20 11:59PM)
[FACULTYPOSTDOCSANDCOMPUTERPROGRAMMERS] Industry software based on computational conformal geometry, Multiple positions in computational conformal geometry
[POSTDOCS] All fields of mathematics, theoretical physics, computer science, and their applications, Postdoctoral positions (2024/10/20 11:59PM)
[PROFESSOR] All fields of mathematics, theoretical physics, computer science, and their applications, Professor
[PROBSTATS25] Applied probability, stochastic processes, or related, Assistant Professor in applied probability or stochastic processes (2024/11/04 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCTORATEHCMS2024] Postdoctoral Positions at Hua Loo-Keng Center for Mathematical Sciences
[TENUREDANDTENURETRACKPOSITIONS2024] All areas of Mathematics, Tenured and Tenure-track Positions at Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[ASSTMATHPRFSSR] Mathematics, Geometry, Topology, and/or Analysis, Assistant Teaching Professor of Mathematics with a focus in Geometry, Topology, and/or Analysis (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[APMDS] Data Science, Assistant Professor in Mathematical Data Science (2024/10/15 11:59PM)
[APTOP] Topology, Assistant Professor of Mathematics in Topology (2024/10/28 11:59PM)
[JWY] combinatorics, geometry, logic, networks, non-commutative geometry, number theory, operator algebras, probability, set theory, topology, complex and dynamical systems, computational inverse problems,, John Wesley Young Instructorships in Mathematics (2024/12/15 11:59PM)
[NSABB] Applied Math, Network Science Applications in the Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences (2024/10/15 11:59PM)
[QUANT] Quantum Theory, Postdoctoral Position in Operator-Theoretic Techniques for Dynamical Systems (2024/10/15 11:59PM)
[ALL_LEVEL2] all areas of pure or applied mathematics, Postdoc, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Distinguished Professor (2025/09/15 11:59PM)
[AMA240808007] Data Science and Analytics, Assistant Professor in Data Science and Analytics
[AMA240822006] Applied Optimization and Operations Research / Data Science and Analytics / Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics / Engineering and Computational Mathematics / Mathematical Science, Applied Optimization and Operations Research / Data Science and Analytics / Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics / Engineering and Computational Mathematics / Mathematical Science
[FP] All mathematics areas, including applied mathematics, data science, pure mathematics and statistics, Faculty positions at all ranks (2025/05/31 11:59PM)
[OPENRANKFACULTYPOSITIONINFINTECH] Fintech and Applied Math/Financial Mathmetics/Data Science, Open-rank faculty position in Fintech and Applied Math/Financial Mathmetics/Data Science (2024/11/04 11:59PM)
[ECOPRO1] Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, Graph Theory, discrete geometry, Ramsey theory and Combinatorial Number Theory, Research Fellowships at the Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group (ECOPRO) (2024/12/02 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC] Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Cyberspace Security, Postdoctoral Positions at the Institute for Math & AI, Wuhan (IMAI)
[JRGL1] Mathematics Numerical Analysis, Junior Research Group Leader in Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (f/m/d) (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[DIGITALPOPHEALTHASSISTANT] digital health, health data science, data science, population health, mHealth, clinical decision support, intervention planning, health information technology, digital therapeutics, natural language p, Digital Population Health (tenure track, open rank) Assistant Professor
[DIGITALPOPHEALTHASSOCFULL] digital health, health data science, data science, population health, mHealth, clinical decision support, intervention planning, health information technology, digital therapeutics, natural language p, Digital Population Health (tenure track, open rank) Associate or Full Professor
[POSTDOC] Scalable Ecosystem for Complex Chemistry Simulations, Postdoctoral Research Associate - Numerical Analysis and Development of Quantum Chemistry Solvers Using AI-Hardware
[FS2025RAWEI] Mathematics, AI-based drug design and discovery, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, or Computational Topology, Geometry, or Graph, Mathematical Biology or Computational Topology Research Associate (2025/06/30 11:59PM)
[TTP1] pure mathematics, and computational and applied mathematics, probability and financial mathematics, data science and others., Tenured/Tenured-track position at National Taiwan University (2025/02/01 11:59PM)
[TTMATH] Geometry and related fields, Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track in Mathematics(Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) (2024/11/29 11:59PM)
[ASSISTANTPROFESSOR4] Mathematical sciences or closely related area, Assistant Professors of Yau mathematical Sciences Center
[FULLPROFESSORSASSOCIATEPROFESSOR6] Mathematical sciences or closely related area, Full Professors/ Associate Professors of Yau mathematical Sciences Center(Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications)
[PROFMATHSAPP] Applied Mathematics with a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching, Assistant professor in Applied Mathematics (2024/11/03 11:59PM)
[PROFSTAT] Statistics with an expertise in Causal inference, Assistant professor in Statistics with an expertise in Causal inference (2024/11/03 11:59PM)
[PROFTOPO] Topology or Geometry, Assistant professor in Topology or Geometry (2024/11/03 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC] Algebraic Geometry of related field, Three-year postdoc position in algebraic geometry at the University of Antwerp (accepting applications, deadline 2024/08/13 11:59PM)
[MATHPROFS2024] Assist/Assoc/Full Professor in Mathematics
[TTAPFP] Statistics, statistical methodology, computational statistics, machine learning, and mathematical statistics, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Associate Professor in the promotion program of Statistics (2024/10/06 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC] Mathematics Applied, Post-doc position (2 years) at University of Dubrovnik, within Conduction (Optimal control and model reduction for evolution and data driven problems) project.
[UMDAPPLIED] Applied Mathematics, Open-rank (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor)tenure-line position (2024/10/04 11:59PM)
[UMDSTATS] Statistics, data science and actuarial science, Open-rank (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor) tenure-line position (2024/10/04 11:59PM)
[UMDTERMMST24] Mathematics and Statistics, Instructor or Assistant Professor (full time Term)
[PROFMATH24] Applied Mathematics/Statistics with Life Sciences Applications, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Applied Mathematics/Statistics with Life Science Applications
[PROFSTAT24] STATISTICS/Data Driven Solving, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Data-driven solutions for complex systems and modelsAssistant/Associate/Full Professor in Data-driven Solving
[POSTDOC] Inverse Problems; Medical image reconstruction; Radiotherapy plan optimization, Postdoctoral Scholar Position in Medical Imaging-related Inverse Problems (2025/06/20 11:59PM)
[ITS_FACULTYPOSITIONS1] Mathematical Sciences, theoretical physics, Faculty Positions in Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
[PAGG] Post-doc Position in Arithmetic Geometry Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
[PGMT] Geometric Measure Theory, Post-doc position in Geometric Measure Theory Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
[PHNT] Postdoc Positions in Higher Number Theory Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
[POSTDOC3] Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Post-doc positions in Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
[POSTDOC4] Mathematics, Hodge Theory and Biration Geometry Group, Post-doc positions in the Hodge Theory and Biration Geometry Group, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University
[PSCMA] Post-doc Position in Scientific Computing and Model Analysis, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University, Post-doc Position in Scientific Computing and Model Analysis, Institute for Theoretical Sciences, Westlake University (2024/11/28 11:59PM)
[TENURETRACKTENUREDFACULTYPOSITIONINSCHOO] All areas in mathematics and statistics, and cross-disciplinary research areas related to mathematics and statistics., Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Mathematics and Statistics (2024/10/01 11:59PM)
[ACADEMICRESEARCHER] artificial intelligence in ultrasound, medical ultrasonic instrument, medical image analysis, etc., Academic Researcher-Hangzhou Campus